China Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and NTU collaboration MOU officially signed in Beijing on 7 November 2019, witnessed by representatives from Singapore government.
新加坡南洋理工大学能源研究所(ERI@N)联席主任朱福鸿教授出席并签署备忘录。出席本次会议的还有:新加坡南洋理工大学能源研究所能源创新中心(EcoLabs)陈炳健先生、新加坡经济发展局北京办公室副司长彭鈱荃、新加坡企发局中国司华北区主任兼新加坡驻华大使馆商务处二等秘书林颖秀、新加坡国家发展部中新生态城办公室首席代表林雯玮、新加坡南科创新公司(NanRise Pte. Ltd.)首席执行官叶祖达、技术咨询顾问钟瑜等。
南科创新是新加坡南洋理工大学成立的一间咨询顾问服务公司, 提供对城市可持续发展规划研究、 绿色生态与智慧科技应用、 科技转化商业支撑、科技创新投资等服务。南科创新的成立以商业市场运作为基础,协助新加坡南洋理工大学科技创新平台,推广到亚洲其他城市地区与新加坡合作,的带来商业机遇。南科创新也是在南洋理工大学能源创新中心
On 7 November 2019, an MoU was officially signed in Beijing, between Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and the China’s Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD). This commits both countries to the journey towards building sustainable cities, through collaborative efforts on technical exchange, scientific research, technology transformation and industrial development. The collaboration has been facilitated by NanRise Pte. Ltd. who will be the day to day coordinator for all the activities. Key representatives from the Economic Development Board, Enterprise Singapore and the Tianjin Eco-City office of the Ministry of National Development attended the ceremony.