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南科创新CEO 叶祖达博士应邀在上海和北京韧性城市建设研讨会发言

Dr Stanley Yip, CEO of NanRise Spoke at ICLEI City Resilience Forums in Shanghai and Beijing

2021年4月15和21日,南科创新CEO叶祖达博士被邀请在ICLEI (地方可持续发展协会)与 UNDRR (联合国减灾战略署)于上海和北京 主办的城市韧性建设培训研讨会发言。 上海与北京的各职能部门的管理和技术人员包括,发展和改革委员会、规划和自然资源委员会、生态环境局、住房城乡建设委、应急管理局、水务局、气象局、城市管理委财政局、卫生健康委、交通委、人力社保局等参与会议。

会议主题为“韧性城市与城市防灾减灾能力建设技术培训”的活动,为相关部门的管理和技术人员提供国际最前沿韧性城市、气候适应型城市和防灾减灾的知识、理论、工具、案例以及国际平台资源。叶博士发言的主题是 ”中国城市国土空间规划体系如何实施韧性城市建设 ”。 他提出需要把城市空间规划建设、应急管理、科技创新应用和风险管理金融工具结合为城市提升气候韧性的主要战略。

On April 15 and 21, 2021, NanRise CEO Dr. Stanley Yip was invited to speak at the training seminar on urban resilience hosted by ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) and UNDRR (he United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) in Shanghai and Beijing. The management and technical personnel of various functional departments in Shanghai and Beijing, including the Development and Reform Commission, Planning and Natural Resources Commission, Ecological and Environment Bureau, Housing and Urban Rural Development Commission, Emergency Management Bureau, Water Affairs Bureau, Meteorological Bureau, Urban Management commission, Finance Bureau, Health Commission, Transportation Commission, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau participated in the meeting.

The theme of the conference is "Resilient cities and urban disaster capacity building", which provides management and technical personnel of relevant departments with the knowledge, theory, tools, cases and international resources on resilient cities, climate adaptive cities and disaster prevention and mitigation. The theme of Dr. Yip's speech is " Implementing Resilient City Development through China Territorial Spatial Planning System ". He put forward the need to integrate urban spatial planning and construction, emergency management, technological innovation and applications, and risk management financial tools as the main strategies for cities to enhance climate resilience.



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