Capturing Business Opportunities for Technologies in ASEAN
The Southeast Asia region is expected to grow at a yearly average of 5.2% from 2018 to 2022.
It will become the fourth largest single market in the world by 2030 ‐ putting it behind only the US, China and the European Union.
We focus on helping technological and innovation companies to adapt to the ASEAN markets such as Digital Economy & E-Commerce, as well as Infrastructure & Urban Development.

Digital Economy & E-Commerce
Southeast Asia’s digital economy is projected to be worth more than US$200 billion by 2025.
That is a 400% increase from 2017, or a 10‐year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27%.

Infrastructure and Urban Development
The Asian Development Bank estimates ASEAN’s annual infrastructure investment needs stand at US$184 billion.
Most of ASEAN’s growth will be driven by urban growth.
Technological and digital solutions can be used to resolve problems of urbanization.
26 cities from the 10 ASEAN countries have been named pilot cities for the ASEAN Smart Cities Network in the 32nd ASEAN Summit in 2018.
Singapore spearheads the network is a collaborative platform where up to three cities in each ASEAN country jointly work towards goal of smart and sustainable urban development.
35 cities in the ASEAN region will need to be “smart”, and could add US$1 trillion to its gross domestic product (GDP) over the