北京市住房城乡建设委邀请南科创新首席执行官叶祖达博士参与《北京市“十四五”时期建筑绿色发展规划》课题讨论, 提供专家意见。
Dr. Stanley Yip, CEO of NanRise was invited by the City of Beijing Housing and urban Rural Development Bureau to speak at a forum on " Green Building Development of the 14th Five Year Plan of City of Beijing". The forum was held by teleconference on 14 April 2020. Dr. Yip spoke as invited guest specialist and heard the presentation on the progress of the study. He made specific recommendations on how to bring in stronger market forces in the promotion of green buildings in Beijing, the use of mandatory regulations to require energy usage dfata disclisure by major building owners, and well as the joint effort between the planning authority and the building authority in providing incentives to building owners.
北京市住房城乡建设委的2020年市住房城乡建设委调研课题——《北京市“十四五”时期建筑绿色发展规划》课题子课题6:《“十四五”时期建筑绿色发展监管机制研究》于2020年4月14日举办专家视像会议,听取研究课题进度报告,并提出意见。 南科创新首席执行官叶祖达博士为受邀请的国际专家。 叶博士提出北京市应该在“十四五”时期(2021-2025)推动绿色建筑市场化,通过强制主要建筑业主提供能耗数据, 建立公开城市建筑能耗数据平台, 推动市民对绿色建筑的认知; 推动规划与绿色建筑激励政策结合等。